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Environmental Criminology Research
Inc. (ECRI) announces German federal government Bundeskriminalamt (BKA)
purchase of Rigel geographic profiling system
(Thursday 7th September 2000, Vancouver,
BC)The BKA, a department of the German federal police, provide a wide
range of support for serious crime investigations for all German police
agencies. This support includes psychological profiling, crime analysis,
linkage analysis for murder, rape, abduction, arson and bombings as well as a
geographic profiling services.
The BKA are the second major European police
agency who have established a geographic profiling section. The UK's National
Crime Faculty are currently using Rigel systems and have created a European
training centre for geographic profilers and analysts.
ECRIs geographic profiling system enables
law enforcement agencies to identify the residence of serial criminals and
repeat offenders, and help reduce the costs of criminal investigations.
The BKA will enhance the efforts of the
Vancouver Police Department, the RCMP, the OPP, the NCF, the Bureau of Alcohol,
Tobacco, and Firearms, and the US Department of Justice, in the provision of
geographic profiling services, and in the training of new geographic profilers
and analysts.
The BKA have been following the successes
of the National Crime Faculty and have made the decision to implement their own
geographic profiling centre in Wiesbaden," said Barry Dalziel, president and
CEO of ECRI. "The BKA works in close partnership with all police agencies in
the German republic promoting best practices in crime investigations. Using
Rigel, the geographic profiling system, and developing a geographic profiling
section, the BKA will continue to advance the use of new methodologies and
technologies within the European police community."
ECRI is a Vancouver based software company
providing products and services to law enforcement agencies around the