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University of Houston to provide
geographic profiling training and services to US law enforcement agencies,
using ECRIs geographic profiling system.
(Tuesday 30th September, 2000, Vancouver,
BC)Environmental Criminology Research Inc. (ECRI) announced that the
University of Houston (Texas) Criminal Justice Department is the first
university program in the world to offer certification in geographic profiling
and analysis. The University has chosen ECRIs Rigel geographic profiling
system to provide criminal investigative services to police agencies in
Southern Texas. The University is creating a training centre for law
enforcement agencies wishing to implement geographic analysis of serial crime.
The training program can be taken as a stand-alone module, or as part of their
Masters program in criminology.
In N. America the increase in crime has
presented significant problems to the 17,000+ law enforcement agencies across
the USA. ECRIs geographic profiling system enables law enforcement
agencies to identify the residence of serial criminals and repeat offenders,
and help reduce the costs of criminal investigations. With Rigel, the
University will enhance the efforts of the Vancouver Police Department, the
RCMP, the OPP, the UKs National Crime Faculty, the US National Institute
of Justice, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms and others, in the
training of new geographic profilers and analysts. In addition, the University
in partnership with ECRI, will be developing a technology infrastructure to
collect information and link crimes from the various police agencies in the S.
Texas area. ECRI, with the Universitys assistance, will provide Rigel
geographic profiling systems to these agencies wishing to make use of
geographic analysis in their investigation of serial crime.
"The State of Texas alone has over 2,750 law
enforcement agencies. With its vision of implementing new ideas and
technologies, the University is making use of Canadian technology to bring all
these resources together," said Barry Dalziel, president and CEO of ECRI.
"Using Rigel, the geographic profiling system, and developing a training
program for police agencies, the University will continue to introduce new
ideas to the United States law enforcement market".
ECRI is a Vancouver based software company
providing products and services to law enforcement agencies around the